About Me

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I am a full-time mom of three (ages 7, 5, and 3). I was diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes at 19 during my sophomore year at college. I hope you check in on us to read about the craziness and adventures of living, loving, and mothering with diabetes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lots to be grateful for...

Things have been crazy...

We took a trip to Children's ER with Evan who is fine, but gave me a good scare. A sore knee that he wouldn't walk on is from a virus he had a few weeks ago (they think). But the doctors were worried about a possible blood infection that could get into his bones. Yikes! Enough to scare me. Anyway, he's fine. Just watching him to be sure the pain doesn't return and he doesn't get any fever and/or redness/swelling on his knee. He had to have 6 x-rays done and a blood draw and he didn't shed a tear. Sweet, sweet boy and so brave for a three year old.

Poor baby Jake was sick with a chest cold. We made two trips to the doctor. He had low oxygen levels, four breathing treatments, antibiotics for an ear infection, and he's finally better. Such a trooper.

Then Aliya who just had sympathy pains for her brothers. I think she just wanted some of the attention, but would complain about her "bad cough" and "hurt leg." No doctor visits necessary, she was cured with some extra lovin' and lots of hugs and kisses.

But still, even with all this, I'm feeling lucky. I have three wonderful kids and amongst the doctor and ER visits we've had some wonderful summer days so far...

Aliya and Evan both started summer school at their preschool. Evan was so excited about going to "Sister's School." He gave us a hug and a kiss and was off to play with all his friends and new toys.

So, I feel blessed. I was reminded today about how lucky I am to have my three healthy kids. Although I don't like to focus on it, having diabetes and being pregnant is a high risk, and the truth is the statistics and stories of women who haven't been as fortunate as me exist. And so today I'll give my kids an extra hug and kiss because I'm lucky to have them.

1 comment:

~Suzanne~ said...

Wow, what a stressful few days! It must be difficult to focus on your own diabetes when you are so busy worrying and trying to be there for your kids. The most wonderful thing is that through all of it, you remember the blessings that you have. That is why you are such an inspiration to me!!

You are so lucky and blessed to have those great kids...but remember, they are just as blessed to have YOU as their Mom!